Revised: 1/01/2020

Potomac Valley Radio Club Bylaws


Section 1.��������

 A member is one who has been voted into the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC).

Section 2.��������

An active member is a member who participates in club activities and has paid current dues.

Section 3.��������

An inactive member is a member who does not participate in club activities or who has not paid current dues. Inactive members may neither vote nor hold office.

Section 4. �������

Each candidate for membership shall be sponsored by an active member.

A.     The candidate shall first attend two meetings as a guest and present to the Secretary a completed application for membership. 

B.     At the second meeting attended by the guest, the candidate’s qualifications shall be presented by the sponsoring member and reviewed by the PVRC. A majority vote shall be required for the candidate to be accepted as a new member.

Section 5. �������

The level of dues, if any, for the next calendar year, shall be established by the PVRC Officers.



Section 1.��������

Chapter meetings will occur at PVRC Chapters. The time and meeting locations will be documented on the PVRC web site at: http://www.pvrc.org.

Section 2.��������

The President shall call for the nomination of officers and the Board of Trustees in September.���

The floor shall remain open for additional nominations until October 31.

The Officers and Trustees shall be elected by a majority vote of active, voting members.���

Election results will be announced by December 31. 

Section 3.��������

Meetings may be called by the President or by the Chapter Chairmen.

Club business that may be conducted at Chapter meetings are:

  1. Officer’s Reports

  2. Discussions

  3. Presentations

  4. Voting in of new members. New members require majority vote and an affirmative vote from a chapter officer.�����



Section 1.��������

The officers of the club shall be President, up to two Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be active members and shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws.

Section 2.

The President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer serve for one year or until their successors are elected. The term of each office shall begin January 1.

Section 3.��������

No member shall hold more than one office at a time. No member shall be eligible to serve more than three consecutive terms as President or Vice-President. 

Section 4.��������

Any vacancy, including that of President, may be filled by the Board of Trustees, until a replacement is voted into Office.

Section 5.��������

The President and Vice President(s) shall be responsible for Club Leadership, including conducting meetings, appointment of Chapter Chairmen, encouraging club activities and participation, and representing the PVRC at external functions. The President shall be authorized to make disbursements on behalf of the PVRC. The Officers are expected to consult and attempt consensus with the trustees before making decisions critical to the future of the club,

Section 6.��������

The Secretary shall maintain all related documentation supplied by Chapter leaders or other members related to PVRC meeting attendance.  

Section 7.��������

The Treasurer shall keep the financial accounts of the PVRC, maintaining records of receipts and disbursements, and shall report a summary of club finances to the club Officers, Trustees and Members as directed by the President or at least once per year. The Treasurer shall be authorized to make disbursements on behalf of the PVRC.



Section 1. �������

The PVRC members shall elect the Board of Trustees. The minimum number of Trustees is three and the maximum is nine. Trustee positions may include At-Large Trustees (a maximum of two) and Regional Trustees (a maximum of seven: three from MD/DC/DE/PA, three from VA/WVA, and one from NC).

Candidates running for Regional Trustee positions must reside in the specified Region. All active members vote for all candidates. Candidates in each Region are ranked by number of votes. The candidate or candidates residing in a specified Region with the highest number of votes is/are elected to the available positions in their Region.

All candidates are eligible for At-Large positions. After the Regional positions are filled, the remaining candidates are ranked by number of votes. The candidate or candidates with the highest number of votes is/are elected to the available At-Large Trustee positions.


Section 2.��������

The terms of the Board of Trustees and Officers shall commence January 1 following their election. Trustees shall serve for three years or until their successors are elected. Trustee terms shall be staggered, with three Trustee positions coming up for election each calendar year. Trustees must be active members. The PVRC Officers in the event of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees may authorize a special election.


Section 3. �������

The overall management of the PVRC shall be under the direction of the PVRC Officers. The PVRC Trustees are expected to participate in major club decisions, such as Club Contest Selection, Club Competition Boundaries, Club Award Programs, and other major events.

The role of the PVRC Trustees is to serve as a balance to the PVRC Officer’s leadership. If the Trustees lack confidence in specific Officer decisions, they may present a “No Confidence” vote to the Officers provided there is a two-thirds vote of Trustees in favor. At this point, the Officers must work with the Trustees to form another plan of action, or at the Trustee’s discretion, they may call for a new Officer(s) election.



Such committees, special or standing, shall be appointed by the President or PVRC Trustees in order to carry on the work of the PVRC. 


The PVRC shall undertake to hold harmless those officers, directors, employees, and members who, while engaged in authorized PVRC activities, may become liable in tort.




The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the PVRC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and any special rules of order the PVRC may adopt.



 The PVRC By-Laws may be amended provided:

  1. The proposed amendment is distributed to membership.
  2. Two-thirds of participating membership voters approves the amendment.
  3. Voting on the proposed changes to occur after a 30-day review and comment period.