The paper edition was posted at Arnold MD  at 1:41pm 8/31/00


Weekly           Wed     
BWI Regional weekly breakfast. Wednesdays 7:30 am,
Basil's Deli, Elkridge Landing Rd near BWI.

Over-the-Hill Luncheon.  TBA.  See reference page.

Sep 7            Thu              
PVRC/NC meeting at Ryans.

Se 9/10          Sa/Su            
ARRL VHF QSO Party.  A 5 mil award and club competition contest.

Sep 11           Mon              
Central meeting (first fall meeting) at Maryland location. 
See reference page.

Sep 19           Tue              
Northwest meeting night.  See reference page.

Sep 19           Tue              
Tidewater Colony meeting night.  See reference page.

Sep 23/24 Sa/Su                   
Virginia Beach Hamfest, VA Beach Pavillion, VA Beach, VA. 
Talk-in 146.970-.  Info at www.vahamfest.com

Sep 24           Sun              
PVRC meeting TBA. FARfest2000 at Prince Georges Stadium, Bowie, MD
Talk-in 147.105+ and 146.520. FAR contact is [email protected].

PVRC ANNUAL ELECTIONS by Brian McGinnes, N3OC, President

I am happy to report that PVRC trustee Bill, N3RR has agreed to
handle the nominations for the October elections again this year.

PVRC by-laws require a (non-officer) member of the Board of
Trustees to propose a slate of nominations at the September
meeting.  Elections are held at the October meeting.

This year we will be voting at ALL regional meetings in October,
not just the central one.  That way everyone gets a say.  I have
not worked out the exact logistics of this yet, but if you are
the regional coordinator in your area, expect to hear from me
soon with some mechanism of reporting your votes in a timely

If anyone, in any region, is interested in running for PVRC
office (president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer) please
contact N3RR ASAP and let him know.  You can reach Bill via
packet, email at [email protected] or his home phone is

As far as I know, the current officers wish to continue into next
year.  If you wish to be nominated also, contact Bill.

If you are interested in the future, the option to run in
upcoming years will always exist.  We have opened this process up
to all the regions so everyone has a vote, and we are encouraging
those in the outlying regions to consider being a club officer,
if not now then certainly in upcoming years.  Thank you.


Hello everyone!  I have had a very busy summer, so I haven't had
as much time for PVRC over the last couple months.  Your club
officers are working on a number of projects, and I would like to
give you an update on them.

First, as you will read elsewhere in this newsletter, the annual
elections are coming up.  N3RR has again volunteered to manage
the election.  Thank you Bill!  If you are interested in running
for office, be sure and contact N3RR ASAP.

This year we will be sending ballots to the regions so they may
vote at their October meetings.  I know some groups we call
regions actually attend other region's meetings, so we will take
that into account, and only send ballots to the regions that
regularly schedule meetings.  I am still working on this.  At the
moment I plan on sending ballots to the Northwest, North
Carolina, Tidewater, SWVA, Central VA, and PA regions.  If your
region was not listed, and you want ballots and plan a meeting,
please let me know soon.

The annual holiday dinner is fast approaching.  My plan at this
time is to use the Olive Garden in Tyson's Corner again.  This
year I want to obtain a small PA system to help those in the back
hear the presentation.  There are numerous awards to be given
out, including 30 new 5m award plaques, 15 5m award endorsements,
and 5 club competition gavels.

I have been asked to place another badge order.  If you want a
PVRC badge, please make out a check to PVRC for $7 ($5 if you
pick up at a central meeting) and send it to my callbook address. 
I will order the badges in mid-September, with an anticipated
delivery of mid-October.

PVRC has received correspondence from the Order of the Boiled
Owls, asking our support for a rule change effort.  This proposed
rule change would allow someone who is a member of a smaller club
to submit scores in ARRL contests for both a small and large club
(like PVRC).

This does effect PVRC, as I'm sure a lot of you that have been 
giving PVRC your score would like to be able to count it for your
local club also.  If you have any input on this matter please
contact me or any of the other officers (K4VV, W2GG, WR3L) or
board members (N3RR, K3MM, KE3Q).

The fall contest season officially starts this month with the
CQWW RTTY contest 9/22-9/24.  (OK, OK, there was a VHF contest in
there somewhere too...)  Remember when you submit a score for
PVRC in major contests that have club competition, you are
automatically getting points toward your PVRC 5 million award -
kind of like frequent flyer miles.  This award has been very
popular.  It is a very sharp looking plaque with the color PVRC
logo on it.

And as always, I keep reminding everyone that we lost the
sweepstakes last year by a very small margin - one or two logs. 
Please get on and give us your score, no matter how small, and we
can be on top again!



The ARRL VHF QSO Party is the first PVRC 5M event of the new
contest season.  The contest starts on Saturday, September 9th at
1800 UTC and ends on Monday, September 11th at 0300 UTC (that's
Saturday 2 PM local time through Sunday night 11 PM).  The rules
appear in QST and on the ARRL website
(http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/rules-09vhf.html) and

If you have anything that operates on the bands above 50 MHz,
please get on the air for an hour, a couple of hours, while
you're in the car going shopping, going to the football game,
going to and from church, during halftimes (on Saturday and
Sunday), and make a few contacts.  The exchange is simple; it's
your grid location (e.g., FM19).

Got packet?  Find the mike to that packet radio and make a few
voice contacts (check 146.55, AVOID 146.52!).  Got an HT?  Take a
brief trip to the local high spot and make a few contacts!  Got a
new transceivers with 2 and 6 (and 432!) built-in?  This is the
weekend to try it out.

Every contact helps the cause.  And remember to listen for other
PVRCers from last year, K8GP, K3MQH, W3YOZ, ND3F, K3DNE, K2UOP/8,
W4RX, and K3ZO (just to name a few).

And MOST OF ALL, remember to send in the log and mark it for the
Potomac Valley Radio Club ! !   Good luck! 

TREASURERS REPORT by Dave Baugher, WR3L, Treasurer [email protected]

I would like to thank the following for the donations over the
summer: K9GY, AJ3M, W3OQ, N3ND, W3UJ, N3UM, K1HTV, WF3J, W0GG,
W2GG, WJ1R, KH6DL, W3FYH, and W3AZD.  The treasury is now $3400
with all the bills paid and accounts receivable current. I keep
the receivable on a 6 month basis with the exception of donations
that are welcome any time.  Of this money I will set aside $1200
for the 5 million awards.  This leaves $2200 for expenses.

Your donations are needed and appreciated but lets not forget the
purpose of the club.  Your scores and participation in the
contests are just as important as the money it takes to run the
club.  Think about the coming season and keep operating dates
open.  My station and others need operators if you don't have a
rig.  Lets make the club #1 in as many contests as possible.  I
will be looking to your ARRL renewals, donations, scores (to
W2GG) and support as will be running as treasurer for another
term. (Please note Dave's new email address. - editor)


In Attendance: (Members): Jim Nitzberg, WX3B, Bill Long, NY3M,
John Chesley, AK3Z, and Dan Flannagan, W3DF.  (Guests):  Steve
Sluz, NY3A,  Steve Scheinberg, W3SY, and Rich Suvall, N3JIA

In a spontaneous event of timing and luck, an ad-hoc PVRC meeting
quickly emerged on Saturday night when Steve, W3SY shared his
past sweepstakes with Jim and mentioned interested in Joining
PVRC.  The group of four which regularly meet quickly mushroomed
and we held a meeting at Jim's house Saturday at 9:00.  I
apologize for not getting the word to all members - and we should
have another meeting in August!

Steve Sheinberg, W3SY sports a great contest QTH in Jarrotsville,
MD (i.e. acreage!) where he runs a horizontal loop several
hundred feet in length.  Steve affectionately refers to this
antennas as his "Pileup Buster".  We welcomed Steve into meeting
#1 for PVRC membership and have high hopes for his contributions
later this year when contest season begins.

Another interesting turn of events is occurring with another PVRC
guest (soon to be member, we hope!).  Steve Sluz, NY3A has just
purchased an amplifier.  And in true amateur spirit, Steve claims
he will hardly ever use the amplifier.  Perhaps what he really
meant is that he'll only use the amplifier when he's contesting. 
Steve must become a PVRC member soon - he's been to at least 6
PVRC meetings by now - and we need his scores!!!

Rich Suvall, N3JIA is another PVRC recruit and contester.  He has
participated in numerous contests with the Carroll County Amateur
Radio club and normally does the hard work associated with
generator duty during our field days.  Rich also has a very
precious gift - he can be the 2nd operator at a contest position
- and actually HELP when he's logging for you.  Rich's ears must
contain a built-in DSP.

Bill Long, NY3M has admitted to enjoying SSB operation several
times - for the first time in over six years.  He was actually
heard working DX on 20 meters several weeks ago.  At one point,
Bill bragged that he still had the microphone hooked up to the
radio - days after the initial SSB contacts were made.  It is
true that Bill truly prefers CW - and his large tribander at 100
feet does a great job on either mode.

Jim Nitzberg, WX3B has safely returned from the Mini-DXpedition
in  Orlando Florida.  In addition to working some Disney rides,
Jim made contact with PVRC members back home on 14.200.  The
highlight contact from Florida was a phone QSO with our President
Brian, FS/N3OC from St. Martin.  Brian emerged from the RTTY
pileup he was running long enough for a quick hello and 5x9+
signal report into Orlando.  Thanks to Barry, K3UG for the
assistance in getting Brian's attention.

Dan Flannagan, W3DF wins the award for "tuning the band" and
turning up rare DX - WX3B/4 without the assistance of any packet
spotting networks.  And with 100 watts and a dipole, he rang in
the largest low power signal of the evening.  It is true that his
new Kenwood TS-870 and D-104 microphone sounds great on SSB.  Dan
is planning to spring an AB/577 on his XYL someday - but he's not
sure when the timing will be right!

John Chesley, AK3Z had a permanent smile on his face.  No - it
wasn't the P5 that we've all been waiting for, it was the sale of
his Henry Amp.  Of course, the amplifier was in tip top operating
condition when it was sold - and it was harder to tell who was
happier, the excited buyer, or John!  It was a little bit like
the happiest days of boat ownership:  The day you buy it, and the
day you sell it.  John is saving his money for an Alpha 99, a
nice cool, quiet, and relatively light amplifier!  Also, John has
been concentrating on summertime activities - but will get
serious about radio when the bicycling season is over.  This
includes putting up his stockpiled KLM beams that he has in his

The spirit and conversation of the evening revolved around
building our stations.  Steve, W3SY has ordered an AB/577 and
anxiously awaits putting a Yagi up at 50 feet.  Jim, WX3B is
looking forward to adding a Drake L-4B to his 2nd (Low Band)
operating position.  Bill Long, NY3M  was seen departing the WX3B
shack with a Yaesu FT-1000MP on loan - and you know what that
means.   There will probably be an MP in Bill's future.  We
congratulated Rich, N3JIA on his new job, and hope that this job
will allow him to stay closer to home.

Of course anyone who knows Jim, WX3B understands that a good
meeting is not complete without operating the radios - and that
evening sported the IOTA contest. 

Steve, W3SY quickly generated an unreasonable pileup on 20 meters
- with Dan, W3DF as the logger.  We also tried some QRP work -
and Dan, W3DF one the award:  working an Africa station with 10
watts into a "resonant" 80 meter coax fed dipole loaded on 20
meters.  Several other European and African stations were worked
for fun with 5 watts into a Carolina windom on 20 meters.

Many thanks to all of you who have supported the Carroll County
PVRC group.  We now have 10 PVRC members and 7 future PVRC
members who are on my mailing list.  If you live in or near
Carroll County, and would like to be kept informed of our events,
please give me a call or send me an email at [email protected]. 
Less than 3 months to go until CQWW/SSB!!


The August PVRC NW Regional meeting was attended by Bob, W8ZA;
John, N8UM; and Ed, K3IXD.  We had an enjoyable dinner and chat
that ranged from HF to VHF to vacations to upcoming plans for the
fall. Both Bob and John brought pictures of their impressive
antenna installations. (This may be N8UM's fourth meeting, maybe
one of the other regions can vote on his application.)

The PVRC Over-The-Hill Lunch was held at Noon on August 23, 2000
at Main Street USA in Annandale, VA. The following attended: 
W4RX Jim Ahlgren, W3AZ Bill Leavitt, K7CMZ Mel Woods, W7HQC
Howard Dempsey, N7PD Andrew Hawkins, K6ETM George Sinclair, W3CP
Jim Headrick, W3ABC Hugh Turnbull, K3ZO Fred Laun, W4DM Dale
Harris, W3ZZ Gene Zimmerman, W3CB Cliff Bedore, AA4XU Ben Shaver.


Summer CVCC/PVRC Picnic:  The summer picnic was an open house at
W4MYA on July 22nd.  The attendees were: K1GG, K3ZO+, KA3CCE+,
UA6AN, W4HJ, W4HZ+, W4JAM, WA4QDM, WK4Y, WU4G, K7SV, W8ZA, and
W0MAN. (Around 40 folks when you consider the kids & spouses).

Bob did a great job preparing a covered eating area and managed
to arrange for a relatively mild WX day for the time of year;
thanks, Bob!  A very special thanks to Lilly and her crew for
preparing the great lunch; a really super spread!

I think this was the first time I have seen all the seats in the
new shack occupied (and no one was calling CQ)!  We had pretty
good geographic representation, with folks from Northern VA,
Maryland, Fredricksburg, Lynchburg, the northern Neck (Callao),
and the Richmond area.  A good time was had by all.

Next year we can all check out Paul's (K4JA) new super station!

Packet Cluster info:  As you probably know, we lost our
Fredricksburg site and consequently, our packet link to the
north. The club purchased a diamond antenna at the Manassas
hamfest and dropped it off at Mike's (K4GMH) in Fredricksburg to
experiment with a replacement path. That antenna was up about 2
weeks when it was by lightning!

We also have had suspected lightning damage to the "southside" 2
meter transceiver on 144.99 at KG4W's QTH. The 144.99 node has
been moved to Jon's (W4HZ) QTH and is the replacement link to
"southside". Thanks to Dennis (N4DEN), Jon (W4HZ), Bob (W4MYA)
and Ronnie (WU4G) for their efforts in getting this node up and
running.  Hopefully, we will have a packet update at the
September meeting.

W4DR presentation at DXVACC:  Bob (W4DR) gave his "50 years of
amateur radio" Power Point presentation to the VACC at Virginia
Beach on August 15. (This is the presentation Bob did for the
CVCC in early January of this year). I made the trip down there
with Bob and helped out with the projection monitor and computer. 
They had a nice group of about 15 for dinner before the meeting
and about 50; 60 for the presentation. Nice bunch of folks in the
"Tidewater Colony" of the PVRC!

Preview of For Sale Items: W4MYA has a list of items he is going
to take to the VA Beach Hamfest. If anyone is interested, give
him a call or an e-mail.  Two IC-751A (one with built in supply,
one without), Down East Microwave 6M 70cm xverter 25w in 100w out
6M brick, FT 736R, FT650, two MLA2500, and a spare set of 8875's.


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  President N3OC Brian McGinness 301-652-6768 [email protected]
  Vice Pres K4VV Jack Hammett    703-281-1308 [email protected]
  Secretary W2GG Bob Dannals     410-472-2004 [email protected]
  Treasurer WR3L Dave Baugher    410-DX1-WR3L [email protected]
  Historian K3SA Steve Affens    301-774-0558 [email protected]

PVRC Charter Members: 

PacketCluster Contest/DX System, MHz:
W3LPL   Glenwood MD   145.590 441.250
KE3Q    Bowie MD      145.570 445.375
WR3L    Baltimore MD  145.610 440.950
N3RR    Rockville MD  145.510 441.325
K3SKE   Frederick MD  144.930
N4OHE   Mt.Weather VA 145.710 440.925
NE3H    Harrisburg PA 144.970 *
K3MQH   S Mountain PA 145.630
N4SR    Woodbridge VA 145.630 *
K4FJ    Mt. Vernon VA 145.770 *
W4XP    Bull Run Mt " 144.990

This system is sponsored by the Potomac Valley DX 
Spotting Network except "*" are independently funded by each

PVRC on Internet. 
PVRC web site by K3SA:
PVRC/NC web site by KS4XG
PVRC reflector:   (editor N4AF)
     Get latest scores & activities info here
     To post: [email protected] 
     To join* send email to:
     [email protected]  
*Members only.  If your call is not within your URL, 
then send msg to [email protected].

PVRC dues and ARRL renewals:  
The annual dues are by donation.
PVRC gets a cut from ARRL renewals sent via Dave Baugher, 
WR3L, 615 Rockway Beach Ave, Baltimore, MD 21221.  Dues and
renewal checks should be made to PVRC.  Thank you.

Autocall column editor: Barry Thaysen, K3UG. 6619 Buffalo Rd, Mt
Airy, MD 21771

CENTRAL:  The Central Meeting is always the second Monday (except
June, July, and August) at 7:30 pm.  The central
meeting generally alternates between MD and VA locations. A
pre-meeting dinner is usually held between 5:00 and 6:30
pm.  Check via 147- repeater.

  VA LOCATION:  The Patrick Henry (Public) Library, Route 123,
Vienna, VA. 

  MD LOCATION:  Church of the Nativity (Episcopal), Route 5,
Temple Hills, MD.  Pre-meeting dinner at Mama Stella's
Italian Restraunt on Old Branch Ave.

NORTHWEST:  Greg Altig NK3R 410-775-7313 [email protected].  Meets at 7:30
pm on the third Tuesday every month at Tully's
Grill, 1080 W. Patrick St, Frederick, MD.  Same center as
Shoppers Food Warehouse.  Essentially includes WVA

NORTH CAROLINA:  Chair: Guy Olinger, K2AV; Sec: Pete Soper,
KS4XG, [email protected], hm: 919-362-4635, wk:
919-481-6874.  Activites: Jim Stevens, K4MA.  POC is K4MA &
KS4XG.  Howie Hoyt, N4AF, [email protected] is PVRC
reflector editor.  PVRC/NC meets at 6:00 pm the first Thursday of
every month at Ryan's Family Steakhouse at Crossroads
in Cary.

Don Lynch W4ZYT 757-486-0728 [email protected].  Meetings
the 3rd Tuesday of every month are held jointly with
the VA DXCC at The Golden Corral corner of Battlefield Blvd South
and Volvo Pkwy in Chesapeake, VA.  Easy access from
I-64 at Rte 168 (Battlefield Blvd S) exit.  Dinner at 1830 and
meeting at 1925.

SOUTHWEST VA CHAPTER: Coordinator: John Mitchell, K4IQ, Catawba,
VA 540-384-7377, [email protected].  Monthly
meetings alternate between Roanoke area locations

THE BWI REGIONAL/PVRC:   Weekly breakfast Wed at 7:30 AM at
Basil's Deli Port on Elkrdige Landing Rd 1/4 mile South of
Winterson Road 410-850-4333.  Director: Ike Lawton, W3IKE,
410-263-2830.   Secretary: Howard Leake, W6AXX,
410-465-7008, [email protected]

OVER-THE-HILL LUNCH BUNCH:  Rotating hosts announces meeting
info.  Ben Shaver, AA4XU, 703-534-4740, [email protected],
MainstreetUSA, Annandale;  Andy Anderson, W3XE, 301-384-7771,
[email protected], Holiday Inn, College Park; and Bill Leavitt,
W3AZ, 301-292-5797, Best Western, Oxon Hill

PENNSYLVANIA:  Steve Cutshall, K3TZV, [email protected],

RAPPAHANNOCK: Steve Bookout, NR4M 
(ex-NJ4F)   [email protected].  Also, Larry Schimelpfenig, K7SV,
[email protected]

WOODBRIDGE:  Jack O'Mara W4NF, [email protected] H:703-791-3302 W:703-415-0200
x3018 and Cliff Deel W4CE, [email protected] 703-491-0841 

CENTRAL VA:  Bob Morris, W4MYA 804-457-9011
[email protected]. CVCC/PVRC monthly meetings are held
the 2nd Tuesday at the First Mennonite Church on Staples Mill Rd at
7:30 PM.  Optional 6PM-ish dinner at the Crazy Greek
Rest, Staples Mill Rd.  Talk-in is 145.430 MHz.

SOUTHERN MD:  Chair: Barry Shapiro, WR3Z.  H:301-862-2466
[email protected].  Meetings to be held at the home of N1WR.

EASTERN-SHORE (DEL-MAR-VA):  Dallas Carter, W3PP 302-875-0550
[email protected]

SHENANDOAH: Bill Hinkle KV3R [email protected]  304-567-3138

NORTHEAST: WR3L  See info above.

ANNAPOLIS CREW: K3DI. See editor info.

CARROLL COUNTY GROUP: Jim Nitzberg, WX3B. 410-374-9233
[email protected]

OTHER MEETINGS based on prior year(s):
May.      Meeting at Dayton Hamvention
Jun.      W3LPL open house Sat before Field Day. With joint FRC/PVRC
          meeting on alternate years. (2001, 2003, ...)
??	  When joint FRC/PVRC is at FRC, they announce the date.
Jul.      PVRC/NC cook out 
Jul.      Open house, W4MYA, Goochland,
Aug.      NCDXA/PVRC Fowlfest at W3YOZ
Sep.      PVRC meeting at the FARfest Bowie
Sep.      Open house, WR3L, Baltimore
Dec.      Christmas dinner, DC area.

Month and number of the full week end.
Jan 3     ARRL VHF Sweepstakes
Jan Last  CQWW 160m CW
Feb 3     ARRL DX CW
Feb Last  CQWW 160m SSB
Mar 1     ARRL DX SSB
Sep 2     ARRL VHF QSO Party
Nov 1     ARRL Sweepstakes CW
Nov 3     ARRL Sweepstakes SSB
Nov Last  CQWW DX CW
Dec 1     ARRL 160m CW 
Dec 2     ARRL 10m Mixed

Standings at http://www.qsl.net/n4zr
Roster updates at: http://www.pvrc.org/pvrcmm98.htm

  Dick's lifetime address is [email protected]