The paper edition was mailed from Arnold MD at 10:04 AM on Aug 6, 2002
Please support our advertisers: Ham Radio Outlet The RF Connection Carroll County ARC _________________________________________________________
It's Fowlfest time!. The joint PVRC and NCDXA meeting will be hosted again by Marty, W3YOZ, at his "park" near Annapolis. Festivities start at noon on Saturday, August 17, with BBQ chicken and drinks. Some folks may bring the optional salad, dessert or other munchies. Everybody should bring a big appetite! Directions:
>From Virginia: I-95/I-495 to MD Route 4 (PA Ave. South/East); turn off at MD Route 258 (Bristol/Deale); take 258 to MD Route 256; turn left and go to Rodgers Road; turn right, go to gravel road on left, turn left; go to 1062 sign turn right and go to picnic grounds at the water's edge.
>From U.S. DC Beltway/50: Take Beltway to Route 50; take Route 50 east. After crossing Patuxent River the next turnoff is MD Route 424 (Davidsonville Road); take 424 towards Davidsonville, cross over route 214 (Central Ave), and continue until it dead ends at MD Route 2. Turn right, go 200 feet and turn left on Mill Swamp Road. Continue to MD Route 468 (Muddy Creek Road); turn right on route 468 and go 6 miles to the traffic light at MD Route 256. Turn right on MD Route 256 and continue to Rodgers Road (first left after the Churchton Post Office); turn left on Rodgers Road, go to gravel road on left; turn left, go to 1062 sign, turn right and go to water's edge.
>From I-97: Take I-97 South to MD Route 665 (Allen Blvd.); take 665 to MD Route 2; take Route 2 south to Mill Swamp Road (first left after Route 424 on right); take Mill Swamp Road to MD Route 468 and follow the directions above.
The Board also adopted the MSC's recommendations regarding club competition. In accordance with the advice of the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee, five specific changes were approved and will go into effect November 1, 2002, when the "General Rules for All ARRL Contests" are updated for the 2002-2003 contest season. Under the revised ARRL club competition rules:
The Board has altered the requirement that a member must attend at least two club meetings a year in order to be allowed to submit a score for a club in the unlimited and medium categories. The new rules will allow participation by "a member in good standing," as defined by the club. "In part, this change recognizes that the dynamics of many clubs have changed," said ARRL Contest Branch Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND. "Many clubs hold meetings on the air and on the Internet. Many clubs have large, active participation on club e-mail reflectors." Henderson said that by allowing clubs to define their own standard for "member in good standing," clubs can include more operators as active participants in contesting activities.
Medium and unlimited clubs now may define their club service area either as a 175-mile radius circle or as an entire ARRL section. This change will allow clubs from larger states that encompass entire ARRL sections to compete with each other. Clubs may select one definition or the other but not both.
The percentage of operators who must be members of a club in order for the club to claim a score from a multioperator station has been reduced from 66% to 50%.
A station owner no longer must be a member of a club in order for a guest operator at the station to claim the score for that club. <www.arrl.org/news/stories/2002/01/29/1>
In an effort to promote contesting in the greater DC area, I edit a column in AUTOCALL that goes out to some 3,000 subscribers. My belief is that anyone we can introduce to, and subsequently get into contesting, is a potential source of either a new member or at least QSO points during VHF or domestic contests. The column relies on experienced contesters, such as you, to send me articles which I edit for size and, in a couple cases, will break long articles into a serial across several AUTOCALL issues. The AUTOCALL editor requests articles to be one page (700 words) but has taken articles that run some 1000 words.
I would like to publicly thank the follow PVRC'ers who have supported this effort. And, also appeal to all PVRC'ers to get in touch with me if you would like to contribute something for the CONTESTING column in AUTOCALL. The articles can be targeted to either would-be or advanced contesters. Articles geared to the experienced contester would, in addition, be published in the PVRC NEWSLETTER.
Again, thank you to the following for their contributions. Listed is the AUTOCALL issue date, author(s), and title.
Nov 01 Rich Boyd KE3Q Contesting from Puerto Rico Dec 01 Ken Claerbout K4ZW Contest Preparation Jan 02 Ken Claerbout K4ZW Contest Operating Feb 02 Eric Scace R3/K3NA Contesting from Russia Mar 02 Bill Hider N3RR The Lightning Protection Subsystem Apr 02 Dick Maylott W2YE CT 101, Lesson 1 - Overview of Contesting May 02 Dick Maylott W2YE CT 101, Lesson 2 - Operating in a Contest Jun 02 Bill Seabreeze W3IY and Chuck Watts W4XP, June VHF Contest Jul 02 Dick Maylott W2YE CT 101, Lesson 3 - Logging Options Aug 02 Don Daso K4ZA, The Magic and Mystery of Radio; A look at Ham Radio, Contesting, and Inspiration Sep 02 Jim Nitzberg WX3B, A Part-time (FUN!) Multi Oct 02 * Nov 02 * Dec 02 * Jan 03 K3IXD; The January VHF contest
*I need articles 35 days prior to publication date. That is, the deadline to me for the October 1st issue is August 25.
This is a reminder that PVRC is competing in the club competition category of the WAE DX contests on:
CW AUG 10/11
SSB SEP 14/15
A synopsis of the rules appeared in the Jun/Jul issue of the PVRC NEWSLETTER.
You may receive a copy of the rules by sending a SASE to R. Wilder, 913 Shore
Acres Rd, Arnold, MD 21012 or goto: www.darc.de/referate/dx/xedcwr.htm
In attendance for the June 14th meeting were members WX3B, AK3Z, N3SB, K1EFI, N1MHG, NY3A, and W3JJH.
An impromptu meeting for the Carroll County PVRC group was held at Stables Restaurant in Westminster MD. There were only two main topics of conversation: 1) Who would be going to Frank�s open house (W3LPL), and how were we all going to participate in field day?
John, AK3Z mentioned that the bicycle riding season provides a built in conflict of interest to ham radio activities � but he committed to operating at the Carroll County field day effort. John did talk briefly of his thoughts about putting up a permanent (higher) tower to support his KLM KT-34A.
Fred, K1EFI and Jean, N1MHG were up in the air about their field day plans. Fred also admitted that as unbelievable as it sounds, there are new Force 12 antennas and an Alpha 99 amplifier, new, in the box, and staying in the box for now. Fred, when you're ready to get serious, let us know. A group of us would love to see the lights light up on that Alpha 99.
N3SB and WX3B were both volunteers to lead a Carroll County Field Day Station. Jim picked 20 meter SSB (of course, the MOST fun station in the field), and Steve picked 40/80 CW � because real hams work CW. Jim was drawing visual pictures of the club�s AB/577 at 50 feet with a tribander on it, Steve was talking about building wire beams, but by the end of dinner, he admitted that his already tested Carolina Windom 80 was starting to sound like a great antenna!
W3JJH also had his mind on field day. John had a QRP station for the digital modes planned, and his son William (KB3GHE) was going to be operating the GOTA station.
NY3A collected some solar panels and planned to debut them on his 10/15/20 CW position for field day. We're all counting on Steve to pull down a BIG score from his operating position.
Missing in Action was Special Guest Al Bisasky, K3ZE. Al needs to attend his two PVRC Meetings, and then he'll be joining our team and contributing to our club scores! Al has been very active in our local club and we look forward to welcoming him to PVRC.
Post-Field Day Update. The Carroll County club (complete with many Carroll County PVRC Members) had a blast at our new site: Freedom Park, Sykesville, MD. We are all very proud of the effort led by (PVRC Member) Clint, W3ARS taking us to a new high of 7A, and a new height of fun an excitement during field day. N3SB, NY3A and WX3B took an hour off during Sunday to see what this other station, W3AO was up to. Turns out that W3AO was less than 6 miles from our own site. Perhaps the best way to describe our reaction is that it was similar to driving up to Frank's (W3LPL) house for the first time. I've never seen so many rocket launchers evenly spaced with antennas, all side to side with each other. The operating tents looked like portable Multi-Multi stations. Thanks to K3RA, K3MM for the grand tour, as they continued to CQ.
Congratulations to W3AO for another awesome, industrial strength, military style operation. We worked W3AO many times (and as Frank will tell you, many times on 20 meter SSB) and I enjoyed listening to some of your runs! One more year until field day 2003.
Summer is here. MYA and I caught our first brief Es opening to Europe on 6. Field Day is around the corner and the IARU contest not far off. With an official designation as a HQ station, NU1AW/4 for W4MYA (phone) and K4JA (cw) this could be the CVCC's proudest moment in the sun. All of this creates a need for some summer meetings.
We will meet at the River City Diner on Huguenot Road at 6 PM on the second Tuesday of each month. This would be June 11, July 9, and August 13. The July meeting will be timed just right to plan a maximum effort for the IARU contest on July 13/14.
I am hoping to have K4UEE as our guest speaker in September, but this hinges on what happens at Virginia Beach. If that is still on for September 8 I can almost certainly get Bob for our meeting the following Tuesday.
It would be nice if we could come up with a "free" meeting site. Our treasury is very low and $50 per meeting is an expense we could do without. However if we want to stay at First Mennonite it looks as though this may be possible for another year or even longer.
Currently we have scheduled regular meetings in conjunction with our Laurel ARC meetings ... but PVRC will be targeted as the first LARC meeting of each quarter, and will be at the LARC clubhouse. We may have some ad-hoc meetings around some of the contests ... I will be the "corespondent."
PVRC NC Minutes 5/2/02 by GUY OLINGER, K2AV
We met at Ryan's Family Steakhouse as a regular first Thursday meeting in lieu of banquet night this year. Attending: Guy K2AV, Bert N4CW, Pete AD4L, Howie N4AF, Jim K4QPL, Bob N2NFG, Will WJ9B, Brian K3KO, Bob K4HA, Bill KR4LO (2nd meeting), Bill K4CIA, Tom N4TL, Henry K4TMC, Alan KO7X, Jim WW4M, Wes K4WES. Meeting called to order (?) at 6:35.
Bill, KR4LO was attending his second meeting, moved, seconded, unanimously voted into PVRC. Welcome Bill, and once PVRC always PVRC. You can divorce your wife or renounce USA citizenship, but you're always PVRC. Carnac wants to know if we read him his rights.
Status of a summer meeting is up in the air and will be announced via this reflector. Stay in touch. Note the membership application of Maury, AG4QZ from Durham. First regular meeting will be September 5. Will keep Maury posted.
Happenings among the crew...
N4CW reports that he blew the finals in his MP. There apparently were various predecessor signs to this including suspicious smell which Bert attributed to conditions on 40 and kept operating. None of the various schema proffered by Bert to explain the failure were much supported by the technica in attendance, with the general nod going to the explanation that the five hour brick-on-the-key amp test found the weak link. Either that or the MP got used to cold Maine weather and just couldn't take it down here any more.
N4TL has gone over a thousand band/countries from the home QTH.
N4AF reports that four towers should be up for WPX (they were) and plans for a monster wire 20/40 array are in the making (prototype was up for WPX).
K4CIA checked out 1651 DXCC cards at the RARSFest. Seems he was bleeding from the eyeballs when he went home, too.
KR4LO has 150' of AB105 up (or going up, or on the ground, or...Carnac into Polish shorthand again).
K2AV has started working on the tower setup again. Feedlines, control cables are buried.
N2NFG had to give back the gin pole to general club use, which reduced his effective antenna height to 30'. Got tomatoes staked up with the tower base, thus so much for tower work until growing season is over. Has had to be working weekends, so didn't matter much.
K4TMC did NOT get the 40 meter dipole up. Carnac wants to know if this is due to a design problem. (Carnac has a dipole fixation.)
K4QPL says "Ain't done nuthin." This was announced in true southern dialect to emphasize the serious depth of "nuthin." K4WES reports an autotuner problem in his new Kenwood 2000. Much discussion about whether his problem might really be that Carolina windoms only work in Va, not NC.
WJ9B tried SO2R. Reports some mild brain damage.
K3KO revealed his new secret tactic against in-contest amp blowups: remove the cover screws BEFORE the contest. Weellll, THAT explains everything...
Meeting deteriorated to misc trivia and scientific BS around 7:45 pm.
Good summer to all, get those projects going and done. Even Carnac has gotten out of his mope and is wandering around with needle nose and soldering iron in shirt pocket.
NORTHWEST MEETING NOTES FOR JUNE 2002 by Edwin Steeble, K3IXD, Chairman
The NW region met again at City Buffet in Frederick, MD on 18 June 2002. This is now the NW Region's regular meeting place.
The attendees were: K3SKE, W3NRS, K2PLF, W3KHZ, N3OK, W3LJ, W3IDT, W3ZZ, N3HBX, W8PT, K3IXD, W8ZA, W3TEF, K8OQL, N4MM, N3VOP, W2YE and AD3F. Not signing in were several XYLs and children.
>From the business part of the meeting:
New members - N3OK, Scott, and W8PT, Rich were voted in as new members of PVRC. Welcome.
PVRC Store - K3SKE, Dan, talked about his reopening the PVRC Store and the transfer of proprietorship from N1KC to him. There were flyers at W3LPL's open house and look for info in the Newsletter. Queries can be sent to <[email protected]>.
>From ARRL - N4MM, John, reported that updated contest, online robot, with automatic posting to the "logs received" ARRL web page is now active and there is quick turn acknowledgement of the cabrillo log once the errors have been corrected. I mentioned that I had submitted the W3SO VHF log and the new process worked.
>From CQ - W3ZZ, Gene, said the CQ VHF contest is 20-21 July, a week later this year, so the Hfers can operate the IARU contest and then the CQ VHF contest. It is a 6m and 2m contest open to operators, worldwide.He made an appeal to try out the 6m band on those new rigs.
Autocall magazine - someone mentioned that it would remain a monthly publication. K3IXD reported that K3DI <[email protected]> has been submitting articles on contesting. He is looking for some more articles.
PVRC QSL cards - K3IXD gets at least one query a month about them. N3NT <[email protected]> usually begins taking orders in the September timeframe with delivery sometime in December. Watch the Newsletter for an announcement.
And while we are on the topic of PVRC items, the PVRC name badge can be ordered at anytime from WR3L <[email protected]>.
We didn't cover this but N3KTV is assessing the demand for another Force 12 club order. If interested contact N3KTV.
>From around the table:
K2PLF, Marty, is helping set up the W3AO FD site and will be an operator too. His Yaesu Quadra Amp is at the factory and Marty was relieved to learn that it has a 3-year warrantee.
W3KHZ, Art, will be operating as VY2MM for the next three months. Art has worked the P5 on RTTY and, like several others present, waiting for League approval of the P5 operation on RTTY.
W3IDT, Bob, has obtained special permission from the Park Service to operate FD from a Bethesda,MD park.
W3ZZ, Gene, operated at K8GP in the VHF contest. K8GP lost all but one of their microwave bands; and, therefore will be LM this time. Their estimated score of 1.1M plus points breaks the K3MQH June LM record.
N3HBX, John, missed the VHF contest due to traveling. He is off HF for now because the main and backup rotors that rotate his tower are broken.
K3IXD, Ed, was at W3SO for the VHF contest. W3SO more than doubled their previous best score. He plans to be on for IARU and the CQ VHF contests from home.
W8ZA, Bob, gave up on the VHF contest after his 432 transverter quit and CT hung. At that point W3NRS said it should be noted he didn't have N3HBX's and W8ZA's problems since he doesn't use a computer and isn't operating. And a lively discussion started about the pros and cons of each of the logging programs.
W3TEF, Roy, drove down from Altoona, PA for the meeting. He was at W3SO for the VHF contest. Roy will activate W3SO, FN00, for the CQ VHF contest. Roy, Marty (W3YOZ), and two locals from Altoona will have W3SO on for FD. (W3SO is W3YOZ's Altoona mountain top site.)
N4MM, John, was on for the VHF contest, the All Asian contest, and plans to be on for the CQ VHF and IARU contests.
N3VOP, Mike, borrowed a 223 FM rig and built an 223MHz FM yagi for the VHF contest. With 222 plus 50, 144, and 432, he claims 10150 points. He is the Carroll County, MD club FD VHF Captain.
W2YE, Dick, worked the All Asian contest. He will be with the Sterling Park, VA club for FD. This year they have a new site.
AD3F, Gene, has successfully shunt fed his tower on 160m, and is now tackling loading it on 80m.
NORTHWEST MEETING NOTES FOR JULY 2002 by Edwin Steeble, K3IXD, Chairman
The NW region met at City Buffet in Frederick, MD on 16 July 2002. The attendees were: N3VOP, WZ3AR, N3FX, N3HBX, K3IXD, N3OK, K2UOP, K8OQL, N4MM, N3YDT, W3ZZ, W8PT, W3TEF, W3BZN, K3ZO, W3IDT, W3LJ, K2PLF and XYL, K3SKE + XYL, AND AD3F.
>From the business part of the meeting:
WZ3AR, Nat, won the $1000 PVRC College Scholarship administered by the Foundation. He may be the first PVRCer to win the PVRC scholarship. Congratulations Nat.
PVRC Store - K3SKE, Dan, has reopening the PVRC Store and is taking orders for shirts. See the Newsletter for prices and an order form. He hopes to have an order form on the PVRC web page soon. Queries can be sent to <[email protected]>. Mail in your order and join the others that have already ordered.
PVRC QSL Cards: N3NT informed K3IXD that he will begin taking orders again this fall. Watch the Newsletter for an announcement and the order form.
PVRC Name Badges. Contact WR3L [email protected].
>From ARRL - N4MM, John, had nothing to report from ARRL HQ.
>From CQ - W3ZZ, Gene, reminded us that the CQ VHF contest is 20-21 July. It is a 6m and 2m contest, open to operators, worldwide.
>From around the table:
N3VOP, Mike - operated the ARRL VHF contest, the IARU contest, and is talking up the CQ VHF contest on his Wednesday night 6m FM net. He announced that the Carroll County Club will hold a tailgate only hamfest on August 11 at the Carroll County Agriculture Center in Westminister, MD. At the hamfest, he plans to have a contest demonstration station active in the MD QSO Party.
WZ3AR, Nat - operated FD from W3AZ's QTH.
N3FX, Tony - has just dabbled in several contest but will do a serious effort in the IOTA contest.
N3HBX, John - operated FD from his barn as 1E. He found conditions during the IARU contest terrible. John's still hasn't gotten his rotating tower repaired so he left the antennas pointed on EU.
K3IXD, Ed - did a very limited operation in IARU, plans to give out a few QSOs in the CQ VHF contest.
N3OK, Scott - has a 2m beam up now, likes his Carolina Windom, and plans on operating the MD QSO Party and the IOTA contests.
K2UOP, Tom - installed radials for his new 40/80m Butternut vertical. He has a new AL-800H amp. The amp was ordered at Dayton but delivery was delayed because Ameritron couldn't get the tubes.
K8OQL, Jerry - operated the IARU contest.
N4MM, John - operated the IARU and worked all the WRTC stations. He reminded us that the Berryville hamfest is 1 August.
N3YDT, Jim - worked a new country on 6m.
W3ZZ, Gene - operated FD with Joel of RF Connections. He operated IARU even with a beam that had been battered by the trees. He said it was worse than a dipole.
W8PT, Rich - operated in IARU and will be on for the CQ VHF contest.
W3TEF, Roy - reported W3YOZ has raised one of the W#SO towers to 93 feet and it will house stacked 2m beams. He operated FD at W3SO in the 2E class. Roy will activate W3SO in the CQ VHF Contest.
W3BZN, Tom - rode down from Altoona with W3TEF. This is his first PVRC meeting. He operates 160m through 10m. Tom was one of the W3SO FD operators. He might be at W3SO for the CQ VHF Contest.
K3ZO, Fred - operated the IARU contest and said that the conditions were down from last year. He said this was the first time for a while that the beams on the taller tower were better than the quad on the lower tower. That is an indication that we are on the down side of the sun spot cycle.
W3IDT, Bob - made just two QSOs in IARU, one with W1AW/5 and the other with NU1AW/4. For FD he got a special permit from the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission to operate at a park in Bethesda, MD. Late Saturday night there was a knock on the door and policeman asked what he was doing? He saw the publicity sign, got a quick overview from Bob and then said that will be the easiest report he will have to answer that night. On Sunday, a neighbor stopped by and after learning what was happening, he told Bob that he would tell the other neighbors what is going on and that it is a good activity. It seems the neighborhood thought it was teenagers partying. Bob has permission to return to the site for next years FD. Now all he and W3LJ need are operators.
W3LJ, Bruce - operated FD with W3IDT. Bruce is recovering from undocumented "features" in MicroSoft windows. He will operate the MD QSO party.
K3SKE, Dan - will operate the CQ VHF contest.
K2PLF, Marty - operated FD at W3AO. He operated the IARU contest from home. Marty reported on the warrantee repair of his Yaesu Quadra Amp. He sent it out via ground shipment, which took about nine days, Yaseu took three days to repair it, and sent it back via 3 day air. A power transistor was blown. W3ZZ urged him to try it on 6m in the CQ VHF contest and see how many TVI complaints he gets having a 1KW on 6m.
AD3F, Gene - described his 160m radio and his 80 through 10m radio and said that he is in the market for a TS 850 rig.
General discussion: K3IXD asked if anyone else has read WB2WIK's article "The 50/50 Rule" on <www.eham.net>? In it Steve Katz asserts that the guidance for building a station should be 50% of the expenses should be on the antenna system and the other 50% on the receiver/transmitter. For contesters he advocates 80/20, which is 80% for the antenna system. W3ZZ said after working the IARU contest with a broken beam, he can agree, but still thinks a good dipole and an AMP are the best way to begin building an HF station. W3ZZ again mentioned that his FT847 with Inrad filters is better than a stock FT1000MP.
Next meeting - The August 20th meeting will be at the City Buffet, 1306 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD. (301) 682-6066. It is in a small shopping center. From W. Patrick Street, turn up McCain Dr. (the Mountain View Diner is on the corner), then turn right into the shopping center, then turn left and search for a parking place. The City Buffet is tucked back in the left corner of the shopping center behind Mountain View Diner; you can't see it from the street.
The NW Region meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month. Most arrive about 6PM for dinner and informal discussions; the meeting begins at 7:15 PM.
The June Northern Virginia lunch meeting was held June 26, 2002 in our new Virginia venue at the Parkview Marriot Hotel, Falls Church, VA. The following members attended and will receive contest eligibility credit for their attendance today.
K7CMZ Mel, W3ABC Hugh, W3CP Jim, K3ZO Fred, W6AXX Howard, W3AZ Bill, W4JVN Dave, K6ETM George, N3JT Jim, W4DM Dale, W3GN Lawrence, N3RR Bill, AA4XU, Ben.
The next monthly meeting of the PVRC Over-The-Hill Lunch Group will be in the restaurant of the Holiday Inn on Route-1 at the Beltway-I95 in July 2002. All PVRC members and their guests are welcome.
The Southwest Virginia Chapter of PVRC met Friday, June 14, 2002 at Shoney's Restaurant in Salem, VA at 6:00 PM for dinner. Attending were Nat, N4EL, Dave, N4JED, John, K4IQ, Mike, N4GU, Bill, KC4D, and Fred, W4DF.
Bill, KC4D, is a new PVRC member from Lynchburg, VA and we welcomed him to his first meeting with the SWVA chapter and hope he will be a regular at our meetings.
Fred, W4DF, also from Lynchburg, attended his first PVRC meeting at Dayton this year (also his first Dayton!). This being his second meeting, Fred was unanimously voted into membership. Welcome aboard! Fred has been licensed since age 15 and has previously held the calls WN4CHK, W4CHK, and AA4FF. He is a VA Tech and VTARA/K4KDJ alumni which puts in good standing with a large percentage of the SWVA chapter. Fred is also trustee for the W3CQ, club call.
In other chapter news, Dave, N4JED, also attended his first Dayton this year and had a good time.
N4JED and W4DF operated WPX cw. KC4D lent his call out to K4OAQ who did a single band 15m effort and turned in some good numbers. Unfortunately they won't get to count for PVRC.
This was the last regular meeting of the SWVA chapter until September. There was a discussion of summer activities and the chapter may plan a get together later. Several of the group indicated that they intend to make it to W4MYA's get together next month.
K3RR QTH For Sale. Large custom home on 12 quiet rural acres with 4 towers located 5 miles north of MD/PA border. If interested, email owner at: [email protected] or telephone 717-334-2880.
FOR SALE Both items are new in a factory sealed carton. Alpha 87A amplifier......................$5200 Argonaut QRP radio with power supply......$850 Bill Shepherd, K3WS 301-262-0155
SHORT NOTES by the editor
Nat Heathwole, WZ3AR, won the $1000 PVRC scholarship. Nat is the first PVRC member to win our annual scholarship. There will a full article in our October issue.
Congratulations to Mike Sims, K4GMH, for winning the World, Single Operator, High Power category in the 2002 WPX RTTY contest. Mike is a very active member of the Rappahannock Valley chapter near Fredericksburg. It was noted that Mike's score was just 498 points less than that of the current U.S. record holder KF3P (K3MM). That will teach Mike to take a bathroom break next time! Also noteworthy was the North American Multi-Multi winner which was hosted by PVRC'er Mike Trowbridge. Good job guys!
The Maryland-DC QSO Party will be held from 1600Z Aug 10th to 0400Z Aug 11th and 1600 to 2359Z Aug 11th. www.w3cwc.org/rules
Chuck Reville, K3FT had a first. It was the first time in his 34 years he's been licensed that he operated solo in a contest. He scored in the top ten of W/VE in the 2001 ARRL 10M contest from the W3PP QTH.
PVRC would like to thank W3KX, K4JA, W4RX, K3SX, W0SS, W4PHL, KM4YY, K4WES, K4HOT, W3LJ, N3SB, and KB3DVL for the donations.
The badges are on hold until the new PVRC blanks are printed, should be this week. I'll then start ordering again. This doesn't mean not to give me your order now, that way I'll get it out as soon as blanks are in stock.
S C O R E S by Bob Dannals, W2GG
* * Changes/additions/deletions to W2GG via email or packet * * ### = missing information
CQ WPX CW (FINAL - 06.24.2002)
SINGLE OP - UNASSISTED KN1DX C 2831 788 6,307,940 KT3Y C 2679 788 5,980,000 N3UM TS 1331 582 2,071,338 KO7X C 939 489 1,200,006 K4EU B 810 475 1,046,900 N4YDU TS 734 403 792,701 WJ9B A 771 401 756,687 N1WR B 676 401 750,672 K2UOP C 633 378 670,572 W3AZ C 601 376 654,240 W4YE C 590 401 618,743 K3WA TS 549 351 525,096 W3CP B 429 296 405,520 K4QPL TS 430 285 335,160 K3ZO C 356 ### 238,632 K4EC C 328 244 210,328 WK4Y B 40 323 226 196,168 W3GN C 312 291 178,563 W4IDX TS 313 215 176,300 K3DSP B ### ### 141,912 AD4L C 273 184 138,552 AA4KD B 270 205 130,380 K6ETM B ### 170 88,230 WW4M C 10 222 177 81,774 N4JED B 206 173 75,255 WS4NC B 40 161 132 62,304 N4TL C 170 135 61,020 AA3WI A 36 35 2,380 N4MM B 15 16 16 752
* SINGLE OP - ASSISTED K2PLF C 1601 698 3,101,912 K3KO C 1260 609 2,263,653 N4GG C 923 501 1,250,997 K3DI B 619 376 647,848 W3HVQ C 589 300 622,740 K8OQL C 518 316 392,156 W2GG B 375 254 207,518
* MULTI-SINGLE KM4M C 3118 923 8,120,554 W2YE C 1617 614 2,629,148 W3LJ C 122 110 37,620
* MULTI-MULTI NY4A C 4371 991 12,232,904 W4MYA C 4206 1000 11,255,000 WR3L C 2744 844 6,089,460 AK3Z C 504 335 457,275
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43 LOGS CW TOTAL 73,206,910 44 LOGS SSB TOTAL 81,695,970 87 COMBINED LOGS 154,902,880 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATORS (non-PVRC): AK3Z AK3Z WX3B N3SB K3LP (A45ZN) KO7X KO7X @ KI7WX KM4M K4JA K9GY K9JY W3BP @ K4JA KN1DX K4ZW NY4A K2AV K7GM N4AF W2CS @ N4AF W2YE W2YE (W4/LZ3SM) W3LJ W3LJ W3IDT W4MYA K1SE K4GAU W4HJ W4TJ W4MYA W4TNX WU4G WS4NC N4VHK WW4M W4ZV WR3L K3FT WR3Z